Hollywood top actor Idrissa Akuna Elba popularly known as Idris Elba has tested positive for COVID 19 coronavirus, the actor announced the sad news in a two minutes seven seconds twitter video he shared on his account on Monday 16th of March, 2020. in the twitter statement, he said
"This morning I tested positive for Covid 19. I feel ok, I have no symptoms so far but have been isolated since I found out about my possible exposure to the virus. Stay home people and be pragmatic. I will keep you updated on how I’m doing No panic"
the 47-year-old Luther star was seen with his newly wedded wife Sabrina Dhowre Elba, who has not been tested yet In the video, he said
" Hey what's up guys, so look this morning I got some test result back for coronavirus and it came back positive and It sucks, listen I am doing okay Sabrina hasn't been tested and she is doing okay, I didn't have any symptoms, I got tested because I realized I was exposed to someone who had also tested positive, i found out last Friday that they were tested positive, I quarantine myself and got tested immediately and got the result back today, look this is serious, now is the time to think of social distancing, washing hands, beyond that they are people out there who aren't showing symptoms and that can easily spread it, so now is a real-time to be really vigilant about washing your hands and keeping your distance, we have told our families, they are very supportive we have told our colleagues and you know transparency is probably the best thing for this right now if you are feeling ill or you feel you should be tested or you have been exposed, do something about it alright it's really important, look we live in a divided world right now and we can all feel it... Now is the time for solidarity, now is the time for thinking about each other, they are so many people, whose lives have been affected from those who have lost people that they loved, to people that don't even have it...this is real, I just wanted to share my news with you guys and I will keep you updated on how I am doing, so far we are feeling alright, stay positive don't freak out"
This is not one of those Idris Elba movies this is the reality of things right here, people are getting infected every day globally, covid 19 in South Africa is rising, the country has witnessed 61 confirmed cases, Nigeria so far has recorded 2 confirmed cases.
The World Health Organization has warned that the coronavirus pandemic is a global crisis, countries should take it seriously and test all suspected persons.
Before now because of it slow spread in Nigeria and some African countries, some person's had already tagged the novel virus a white man disease, with Idris Elba case and other blacks who have been infected by the virus has clearly shown that the virus doesn't discriminate and can spread to any skin colour and no human is immune from it, currently, There's no covid 19 cure or vaccines. please ignore rumours making rounds on social media that blacks are immune to coronavirus.
Covid 19 in Nigeria is real and should be taken seriously. The solution for the virus right now is to employ preventive measures to contain the virus, isolations and social distancing are very important at this time and Covid 19 affected countries should employ swift measures to contain the spread of the virus, by enacting necessary restrictions on flights travelling in and out of their countries, and they should also educate their citizens on how to protect themselves from the virus.
Here are some few tips on how to protect yourself from covid 19 virus.
practice Constant Washing of hands, Avoid body contact with other people, Maintain good distance with someone coughing, practice good respiratory hygiene by covering nose and mouth with a face mask, avoid large social gathering, to prevent it from spreading, stay at home.
Coronavirus is getting real, Stay glued for covid 19 latest updates